I don't know about you but I am very much a card person. I probably don't send enough of them. I think about it but then I get caught up in the every day distractions and the thought gets lost.
I truly believe that a simple card or even a simple statement....nothing fancy....just something that says thank you can be a powerful connection between people. If you read my last blog I talked about our Easter production and how stressful it was etc. The night before I received a thank you card that really made me feel appreciated. It really turned some things around for me because I knew that someone saw what I had done and appreciated it. The morning of Easter I received another card and flowers and was called up in front of the audience with my fellow organizers and we were all thanked again. That really helped me to realize that what we all did touched people. Then this morning when I got to work I received a card from my boss (that isn't even working with me quite yet because she is doing a fellowship) and it was a simple card that thanked me for going to lunch with her recently and for helping her stay organized. This made my morning and started my week off on the right foot with the right attitude of wanting to do for others. I don't do it to get cards but when I do get a thank you.....here and there.....it makes me feel good.
So all of this made me think about the one who gave me my life. The one who paid the ultimate price that I might live. The one who painted the sunrise in the morning and made the birds to sing their beautiful songs to me. The one who is always there when I am upset and need to vent or need to cry because my heart is hurting. When was the last time that we thanked God? Does He do all that He does for thank yous? No....not at all. He does it because He is smitten with us. He has an unconditional love for us that no one can even fathem. He loves us so much that He gave His only son to die......for US! When His son was on the cross God even turned His back on Him for a moment as Jesus took on all the past, present, and future sins of this world. To be separated from God....even for a moment had to be the loneliest feeling. I hope I never have to feel that! Yet, He did that for us!
Take some time today and think about all the big and the little things that God does for you every day. Take time to thank Him when you pray! I know that there is power in the words that we speak and I know that God would smile if you gave Him a thank you....even a simple one.
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