Music....I love music! Do I have the biggest collection? No. Can I name every tune that one would play for me? No. But in my heart of hearts I know that music has the power to move me. It can take me from one mood to another....in just 3 minutes.
Have you ever had a rough day and you get into your car and a song from one summer back when you were in high school comes on the radio. You smile to yourself and then look to see if anyone saw you. You try to go back to being frustrated about your day and yet you find yourself quietly humming with the song. Then the words and the feelings from that time in your life come back to you and you start to sing along. By the end of the song your mood is lifted and you have a different perspective on the day.
Music...whether it be the words or the melody can alter how you feel about a situation, a person, an activity, or even a product. Look at the commercials that are on TV. One of the key factors that goes in to making a commercial is the right music...the catchy jingle. When you see the trailer for a movie....what captures you first? You may not even be looking at the TV but when the music comes on you are instantly intrigued. The movie may not even look very good but because they backed it with the right music....you may go see it anyway. It might have a good soundtrack :) That crucial moment in the movie when the hero gets the girl and they kiss....if they don't have the right music...it can blow the whole movie!
In church....music can be used to praise and worship God! He loves it when we sing to Him and when we dance for Him. God can use music to soften your heart and to help you to feel His presence. He can use the music to touch you to the point that you break down and let out the feelings you have been keeping bottled inside. God uses music to speak to us. I know that is a primary way that He reaches me. I have even gone so far as to say that He gives me a song for a particular day, week, or season. He has given me a gift to make CDs of music for people that He can use to minister to them each time they listen to it.
Music can tell you a lot about a person. Ask your friends what playlist they listen to the most right now? You might be surprised. It can tell you how they are feeling. It may let you know they need encouragement or have some stress they need to release etc.
Bottom line....God gave us music not just for our selfish enjoyment. He gave us music so that we can give back to Him in praise and worship and so that He can work through it to touch us and to move us.
What is on your recent playlist and what does it say about you?
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