Why can I not seem to get up in the morning? I was still blowing my hair dry when my husband was ready to walk out the door. For some reason I feel disconnected when that happens. When he is leaving and I didn't even get a chance to talk with him. In fact...I think I nipped at him this morning when he was almost ready to leave I still got my kisses (he cannot leave the house without kissing me ...it's a rule) and he made sure that I heard him tell me that he loves me. Yet I was out of sorts when he left. I didn't know if I should run after him and try to make things better or if it was just me being grumpy in the morning. I hate that feeling.
I was off schedule after that and missed the first bus that I normally ride with my boys in the morning. That felt weird. My routine was messed up. Yes...you guessed it...I like a bit of routine. My husband is Mr. Spontaneous so we balance each other. Once I got on the bus and put my headphones on...I was good to go. The first song was Kari Jobe.."You Are For Me" and it changed my attitude instantly. As I continued to listen to more good music and read some of the blogs that I follow I started to brighten up and look forward to the day. Is there a way to just get out of bed this way? I will have to think on that one. If I find the key...I will let you know. Some people are just happy when they wake up and they get out of bed looking forward to the day. Why can't I do that? Just another thing I need to add to my list of things to "get myself together."
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