It is my son's birthday today. He is 14 and I can't hardly believe it. It seems like just yesterday he was inside kicking me or having the hiccups that would make my belly jump and make me laugh. I think back to that day with fond memories believe it or not. I had gone in to be induced and spent the day at the hospital waiting to get the party started with some progess in labor. After they sent me home I sat on the couch and decided to have a couple pieces of chocolate cake and low and water broke and we had to go back to the hospital. About 10 hours later.....Jared Michael was born. I still love that name!
I am truly blessed to be the one that God chose to be his mother! He is such a treasure and I love him more than I can even express! To think that God loves him so much more than we can fathom is almost overwhelming. As much as I pray and ask God to help him in different areas of his life and to be WITH him and shine THROUGH him I have been blessed to watch this happen as he grows up more and more every day. He still has struggles just as we all do but I can truly see that God's hand is on him. To see him grow in his faith has been one of the best experiences that I could ever be allowed to see!
Teens always tend to struggle with what is cool whether it be in how they dress or how they talk or walk and who they hang out with. Jared has not been exempt from this. As much as he begged to be homeschooled as he grew up he did admit to me the other day that he is glad that he ended up in public school. He is glad that he is getting experience in how to deal with different situations. Does he always make the right decision? No. Is he always protected from the other kids who want to razz I truly believe that God is working through Jared to reach some of these other kids. Jared may not even realize it yet but has he becomes stronger and stronger in his walk.....the other kids will see it and some of them will want to know what sets him apart and some will walk away from him. I know this will be a tough thing for him as I know, like every teen, he wants to be accepted but I continue to pray that God gives Jared the strength to be set apart for Christ no matter what his friends say or do. Jared has a bold faith....I have seen it and I have heard from people that he has talked to about his faith and I am so proud of him for being willing to step out and communicate what he believes.
I am sure this whole thing will probably be a little embarrassing for Jared if he were to read it but I just really needed to talk about how proud I am of him. Of course I let him know this on a regular basis but I also know that sometimes when we get in trouble or make a mistake we forget the good things that have been said and tend to dwell on the negative things. I just want to make sure that Jared knows that no matter what.....I will always love him! I will always be there for him to help to guide him and I pray that he continues to grow in his walk with God. That is the most important thing and I truly believe that he is realizing this! I sooo look forward to watching Jared continue to grow! It is going to be a fantastic journey and I am so blessed to be along for the ride!! I love you bud! Happy Birthday!!
The Myth of Being 100% Sure
1 week ago
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