It is stressful and exciting at the same time. We can see the destination point. We are at the top of the mountain and now just need to dodge a few pot holes and drop-offs on our way to get there while going about 90 miles an hour :) Now don't get me wrong....OBVIOUSLY James is the hard worker here with multi-page papers, late nights, cramming for tests etc but I have tried to be his cheerleader and help encourage him along.
James is going to be graduating from college!! This is such a huge accomplishment for him! He has gone to college full time for much of this journey as well as worked full time, led the teen ministry at our church, coached teams, was a referee, and most important of all a 24/7 husband and dad etc. God only knows how he made it through without skidding off the deep end and I praise God for keeping him safe through all the stress and procrastination.
This journey, to be honest, has sometimes seemed like we were on a scavenger hunt. There are so many things that he is interested in and so many things that he is good at that the final say had to be very CLEAR from God on which path to take and the key also was WHEN. I learned very quickly that James is a very ambitious man and he has goals and dreams. He doesn’t just dream them in his head….he speaks them out and talks through them. I used to mistake some of this as him actually doing all the things he was saying ….all at the same time……and I thought to myself….”there is just no way”….”I am going to lose my mind!” Then God showed me that this is the way He made my husband and that NO he is not going to do all of these things RIGHT NOW but in God’s timing and that I should trust Him!
I am soooo thankful that I listened to God! Though this journey has not always been easy to watch James go through, it has been such a pleasure to be able to watch him grow and change as God moves in his life. Had I stayed fearful and overwhelmed I would have missed all that God has done throughout these years! Not only has God worked in James’ life but He has worked in my life as well. As each obstacle came up not only did my husband have to learn to navigate accordingly and fall down and get back up….I did as well. When you are “one” with someone you struggle when they struggle and hurt when they hurt and cheer when they cheer! You learn and grow in knowing how to support and encourage them the way that God would have you. There are so many times when God would use me to speak into my husband’s life at a crucial time when he was struggling and I praise God that He did!

Even as I wrote this the enemy tried to step in and cause issues and James and I prayed and asked God to step in and take over and He did and we give him all the glory and praise!! Father we thank you for walking with us every step of the way. We could not have made it without you!!
(I will be having a Graduation reception for James at Foster Arend Park. The date is still TBD)