Yesterday I was thinking that I was going to be working about 45 minutes later than usual so I told my hubby that he should just call me when he gets done with track practice and I should be ready by that time and he can pick me up.
Reality was.....I ended up NOT working late. It was a gorgeous day and I felt some motivation to go for a walk so I thought.....I will just start walking and wherever I end up my hubby will call me and I will just tell him where I am and he can pick me up. Of course I couldn't just leave it at that....I wanted a destination in mind so I decided to at least aim for Dunn Bros.
It felt sooo good to walk and as I walked I was able to get on the bike trail that goes along the river and I was able to enjoy the lovely brown grass but it was still beautiful. I love scenary and the water and hearing the sounds of nature. (I did all this without headphones on which is unusual for me). As I got closer to my destination I started to feel a little winded but I could see that I was making progress. I came upon a part of the trail that was not paved but had seen runners on this trail so I knew there was an actual trail there. As I walked I took in all the sites and enjoyed the fresh air. It took me back to about a year ago when I started my lifestyle change with my weight and exercising. It felt so good!
I don't know about you but working out for me does not always feel good.....at least not until you are done and on the road to recovery anyway :) I started to think about my journey and God reminded me that I need to find ways to enjoy my journey and not just be looking to the end result. He actually gave me this revelation last year as I was on a walk and he brought that back as a reminder for me. I am not going to continue my journey if I do not enjoy some of the scenery and stop trying to get to the end so fast.
As I got closer to my destination yesterday I started really feeling the toll it was taking and I could feel that I was breathing heavier and though I could see the end I was tired. I finally made it up the hill to where I cross over the bridge....whew! I walked into Dunn Bros and ordered a strawberry lemonade (I know I know....probably not the best choice after a workout) and I sat down to wait for my hubby. The next thing I know I am sweating like crazy! Funny how as you work out, especially outside, you don't feel the sweat until you stop moving. Maybe I was moving so fast that it couldn't catch up to me until I sat down (interesting cartoon pic).
Bottom line.....I spent some quiet time with the Lord and in thought of how beautiful his creation is and I listened and received what He was trying to communicate AND I got a workout in. Can't beat that!
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