I was just sitting here thinking back over the long weekend and I just had to smile to myself. You know how when you have such fond memories of what happened and you so badly want to tell everyone how great it was and yet....you know they just wouldn't really "get it?" They were not there so how could they understand the emotion that is behind it? They don't necessarily think or feel like you do so they may think of it differently or not as deeply or they may think you are a little strange for being soo excited about something soo simple. Well....regardless.....here is how my weekend was....for me!
Friday I was supposed to get done with work early so that I could go to the track meet at JM. Things just didn't work out so I did not get there till after 5:00 but what a blessing. As I walked up to the ticket window they told me they were in the process of shutting it down so I did not have to pay $7.00 to get in. Sweet! I immediately went to the concession stand knowing that my hubby probably needed something to drink since it was a very sunny and hot afternoon. Beautiful! I met up with him and we talked as we watched some of the running events. The weather was just perfect. Not to hot and not to cool. Nice breeze.
I sat while he went to coach some of the kids and I just watched and took it all in. He had someone come and request that he cheer on a group of girls for their relay. I watched him run back and forth across the field to cheer them on. I watched how he encouraged the boys relay team that had a member injured in the last leg of their race. God has given my husband such a gift to work with kids! I love just sitting back and watching him in his element!
Saturday we joined a group of friends and we canoed all afternoon! It was an adventure! We took Jared and Brandon with us. It was an eight mile journey full of some absolutely beautiful weather, rocky areas where we had to get out and pull our canoes through, peaceful water where we just glided along, places to swim and rest, and the struggle to get through the last couple miles while we are all tired. There were many times that I just sat back as we glided along and just took in the scenary, the sounds of the birds, the coolness of the breeze, and the quality time with family and friends. God showed me that our canoe trip was just like our life long journey. We run into issues and we also have times when we can just glide through but we don't just stand still. We keep moving and things keep changing and we learn and grow through every experience and can expect that something will come along that we will need to help someone through and/or ask for help ourselves. When we can take the time to see what God is showing us as we move along in the journey it helps us to feel more confident that we are truly not alone. No matter what happens God is there with us! He is not just there in the rough times....He is there on the sunny days while we are gliding through and he is showing us the beautiful flowers He sent for us. He woos us along....we just need to slow down a bit and take a look!
Sunday we had church and as always it was a timely message from Pastor Dan on repentence! We grilled out in the afternoon and just spent some time as a family before Jared and Brandon went with their dad. It was a wonderful feeling on Sunday night knowing that I did not have to go to work on Monday. Priceless!
Monday (Memorial Day) I was actually up before 6 am. James and I had it set that we were going to enjoy the NCIS marathon on TV and grill and just chill out together. We spent most of the morning watching these episodes and it was so nice to not do anything but hang out together. James and I love spending time together and just talking and enjoying each others company.
As the day progressed and we grilled and James had to go to track practice I was reflecting again about how I felt like I was being lazy and I knew there were 15 million things I probably SHOULD be doing and yet I felt a peace about just being. As I received that peace I sat and read my bible and just took in some Word and it fed me.
Sometimes when we are so hungry and there just seems to be no amount or type of food that can satisfy us I believe it is the Word that we are truly missing. We should be in our Word more than anything else that we read! If we do not have a daily dose it is as if we are dehydrated and it takes extra time in the Word to rehydrate us. I know that in James 1:22 is says But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. We need to be living the Word and not just reading it like it isn't real! I think sometimes we get caught up in being "doers" of things in the world that are not necessarily part of our walk and we forget our walk with Christ. In our walk with Christ we not only need to be "doers of the Word" but we also need to take time to just "be" with Christ. Take time to just sit at His feet and listen to what His word is telling and teaching us. If we run run run all the time we are not able to grasp all that He is showing us!
I guess through my whole weekend I was able not only to reconnect with my husband and not feel like our family was running all over the place but God showed me that throughout the whole weekend He was wooing me to Him. He showed me the beautiful things that He has made for me and He met me in the times that I took to seek Him more intimately. He showed me that no matter what we are doing if we stop for a moment to take it all in.....He is there...always. All we need to do is to seek Him!
The Myth of Being 100% Sure
1 week ago
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