Okay...so I am going to start something new....blogging. What a concept! I never thought I would ever really do something like this but I am feeling led. I am not even sure what I will write each time or if anyone will even read it but it doesn't matter. I am being obedient to the leading of the Lord.
I guess for this first blog I wanted to talk about what God has revealed to me recently. Most Christians know that God loves them....right? Well sometimes getting a renewed revelation of just how MUCH He loves you is in order...at least that is what God had in store for me the first weekend in February.
We were gearing up to take our church youth group to a conference and talked to them about how to prepare. We told them that if they want something from God that weekend they may want to prepare their hearts by fasting before and during that weekend. At that point I felt a tugging in my spirit that I needed to do this as well because I too wanted something from God that weekend! To be honest...I don't think I really knew WHAT I wanted but I knew I wanted something. After much thought and some prayer I decided to fast makeup. Yes I know...this may seem dumb to some but for me being a woman who likes to look put together most of the time....this was tough. The toughest part was going to work without a stitch of make-up on.
What God showed me before I even left for the conference was that no one was going to make a big deal about me with no make-up on. It really wasn't that big of a deal. I was all prepared with what I would say if someone made a comment even remotely related to why I was not wearing make-up and no one said a word. I did not even see anyone look at me funny.
At the conference the most profound message that I heard was about how smitten God is with us. The speaker talked about how many times a day that God thinks about us and it was unfathomable. He talked about how God is pouring out his love on us all the time and it is like a waterfall just covering us. He also talked about how God is pursuing us. Most women love to be chased or pursued and to know that God is always pursuing me and wants a deep relationship with me was so comforting. All of the things that God has done for me from small things like a special song playing on the radio at just the right time to making sure my family had enough to eat when finances were very tight....all led up to this particular weekend. It all came over me like waves and I could feel Him and I could feel His love for me. It was one of the sweetest moments in my life. I so wish that everyone could feel it! We get so caught up in our day to day lives and all the things that we need to DO and we forget to BE. We forget that He wants us to be with Him like Mary sat at the feet of Jesus while Martha was running around serving. It is okay to take time to bask in the love that He has for us. Let it recharge and renew you!
Take time today to go to this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q5T9RYLiG4 It is a love letter from God. He loves us so much and we don't have to be perfect to receive this love. It is unconditional. This will remind you of just what God has done to have a relationship with you and how valued you are! Never measure your worth in human terms......your identity and worth are in Christ and he desires an intimate relationship with you....the one you have longed for so give your heart totally and completely to Him and see where he takes you!!
The Myth of Being 100% Sure
1 week ago
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