My son Brandon just turned 13 the other day...well back in December. It was with mixed feelings that I wished him a Happy Birthday. It seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant for crying out loud and these years have just blown by.
Bran and I were sitting on the couch that afternoon and I asked him if he would like to hear the story of when he was born. He did not think about the question nor hesitate for one second and said "no." (and then smiled). I explained to him that it is something that I think about every year and I love to share it. He doesn't seem to find the same joy in hearing it. Without his permission....I did express a few memories that were just aching to be shared.
Here are just a few of the happy memories that I think about when his birthday comes around or even when I am just sitting down and look at him or think back:
* It was a surprise when we found out that we were pregnant with Brandon. We always knew that we wanted at least two kids but hadn't planned out the timing on it. God knew the perfect timing!! I wouldn't change it for anything!
* As soon as we found out we were having a boy.....he was affectionately called "Baby Brandon" from that day forward.
* The day (actually early in the wee hours) he was born my son Jared, who was 19 months, decided he wanted to get up at 1:00 am. Little did we know that when we brought him in bed with us that my water would break as soon as we layed down. Labor was quick (and painful) and he was born at 4:34 am.
* When I saw Brandon for the very first time...what stood out was the fact that when he cried he stuck his lip out like he was pouting. It was the cutest thing ever!
* For the record....neither one of my kids looked like lizards when they were born.....just to be straight (for James' amusement).
* As Brandon grew up we had a few different nicknames for him. Lets see.....Booga and when he had his own band (some day) they could be known as booga and the shoes (he loved to play with shoes) and for a while we called him Gooner. be honest maybe I just needed my Mommy share know......that time that you get to share when your kids are really little and everyone wants to hear. Even though my kids are older I still love to share about them but I don't want to wear out my welcome :)
So, in summary, I am the proud mother of a 13 year old that has brought such joy to my life over the years and what blessing God given me to be able to be the one that gets to be his mother. I love you Bran!!
The Myth of Being 100% Sure
1 week ago
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