In the meantime, I have been struggling with this whole issue of my weight and trying to figure out what to do to get back on track and start working out and become healthier etc. God has been speaking to me through many different scriptures and devotionals and music etc. and getting me in position to, with His guidance, give this issue to Him so that I am not so overwhelmed and paralyzed by it that I just don't do ANYTHING.
Today, I decided to read chapter 2 of "The Master Is Calling" and went on break. In chapter 2 it just happens to talk about the story of Hannah and Samuel and her heartfelt prayer. I was blown away that Brandon and I had just been reading that and had discussed some of the same points from the scriptures. Then I read on and it started to talk about getting rid of the clutter in our hearts and giving it to God which is exactly what I need to do with all the emotions and the struggle of my weight. God happened to have both of these topics in the same chapter of the book that I was reading. This is just one short example of what God continues to do in my life on a daily basis. These may seem like small things to some but when it is happening on a regular basis and you know how you have been seeking Him......it doesn't matter what anyone thinks :) He has been wooing me........
These things cause me to what to SHOUT at the top of my lungs that God is real and He is trying to reach each and every person and speak to them and show them what their purpose is for being on this earth. He wants to tell you that He understands all that you might be going through and knows even the deep dark secrets you think you have hidden in your heart. He already knows and still loves you.......no matter what! He will never leave us or forsake us. He is the ONLY ONE we can truly trust. When all seems to have fallen apart in your life......you will always have Him!