The reason for which something exists or is done, made,
used, etc.
An intended or desired result; end; aim; goal
Determination; resoluteness.
I know there are many women that feel the way that I was feeling.
This can be for many different reasons. Here are few:
- you were not raised to have goals or a vision or even dream
- you had a dream once and it didn't happen and now you are in a different place
- you married someone whose dream is the central focus at the moment
- you married someone that doesn't think you should be able to dream let alone attain the dream
- you wouldn't even know where to begin because you are busy taking care of others
- not financially able to follow your dream
Those are just a few examples and I am certain there are many more.
So what happens when they get older? Some kids keep that passion and they strive to attain their goals and dreams. For several kids things change and they have no idea what they want to do anymore. Maybe their parents told them they were not smart enough to be a doctor or they can't run fast enough to be a policeman. In other cases it could have been kids at school that made fun of them or comments from teachers etc. It's at this point the child is forced to make a choice. They can either take the discouragement as a challenge and strive to overcome it or the child gives up not only their dream but possibly dreaming as a whole. Each person has their own story. In most cases it involves some type of rejection.
I'm still not quite sure exactly what happened in my case but when I was in high school I wanted to be a counselor. I didn't have the financial backing to go to college for years and years so I went to technical college to be a legal secretary. I graduated and got a job and it all worked out. After that I was more interested in getting married and having children so that became my focus. Over the next 12 years I changed careers, got married, had two beautiful boys and then went through a divorce. As a single mom it was tough to even think of what my purpose was other than making sure I was raising my boys right.
At one point as a single mother I felt that my purpose would need to be directly related to what I did
for a living since I didn't have time for other things. This is not true. Many times it can be something that we do on the side until we can do it full time if that is what we are called to do. I think where I got stuck was thinking that once I attained a part of my post divorce dream (marrying my wonderful husband) that I would be satisfied with that. Wrong. I was fine for a while but then I started feeling restless.
Our goals, visions, and dreams grow with us. As we move through our lives the things around us change forcing us to change to survive. If we don't we get stuck and it can be a struggle to step out.
At this point we still don't have extra money laying around but I have learned that if God wants to do something He will make it happen and my kids are older and working jobs of there own so what is my excuse now?
With the new year God challenged me to fast Facebook. To be honest I didn't hesitate. God had been continuously drawing me into this place for quite some time so I felt prepared. Before I could even get out of bed that morning God was telling me what to write in my last post. Clicking ENTER .....I felt a sense of freedom and adventure like I was starting a journey.
In the days and weeks after that I spent time in prayer waiting to see if what God was trying to show me would become clear now that I had more time and less distractions. I wasn't exactly sure what God was going to show me or where he was going to lead me but I was excited. He started showing me different things in my every day life like ways that He uses me to talk to people, to encourage them etc. I have thought about all of this many times and had plenty of encouragement from my husband to explore what I felt led to do. My problem was I just didn't feel confident in what that was. I had some ideas but that is what they continued to be.... ideas.
Over the course of the month the pieces that God was showing me started to come together and become clear.
My purpose is to MOVE people emotionally.
When the words finally came out of my mouth it was almost a relief. It was during a conversation in the car traveling to my hometown. As we discussed this new revelation we pealed away different layers and pulled out the pieces that started to complete the picture of what God was showing me. It took me some time to be excited because it was a bit overwhelming but as I spent more time with God listening and talking to my husband I started to step out and voice some ideas of how to use my purpose for God's glory.
Sooo what's stopping you? What is your excuse?
When are you going to unwrap the gift (purpose) that He already placed in your heart?
Do you feel the restlessness?
The longing for something more?
He put it there to draw you to Him.
If you draw near to God He will draw near to you - James 4:8
He's just waiting for you to ask.
Seek Him.
Step out.
Take a chance.
What are you waiting for?
I would love to hear your story! Feel free to comment or email me!